Selasa, 26 September 2023

Kesempatan Yang Diberikan Oleh Bapak Mertua Malam Itu || Cerpen Romantis

The opportunity given by my father-in-law that evening || Romantic short story, after celebrating his wedding anniversary that night the father-in-law went out of town.

Senin, 25 September 2023

Bu Ari 49 Tahun Ibu Mertua Yang Beruntung || Cerpen Romantis intonasi

Mrs. Ari 49 Years Old Lucky Mother-in-Law || Romantic intonation short story, Mrs. Ari has been living without a husband for quite a long time and when her only daughter got married she was asked to stay with her daughter-in-law at home.

Minggu, 24 September 2023

Bu Hermin Akhirnya Setuju Menikah Dengan Anton || Novel Romantis Terbaru

Mrs. Hermin finally agrees to marry Anton || Latest Romantic Novel, Because Anton and Mrs. Hermin really love each other, finally they both get married.

Akhirnya Aku Bisa Menikah Dengan Bu Yatik Yang Kaya Raya || Cerpen Roman...

Finally I can marry Mrs. Yatik who is very rich || Romantic short story: Ronald's life, meeting and acquaintance with Mrs. Yatik ended happily.

Jumat, 22 September 2023

Mbak Emy 30 Tahun Istri Sopir Truck Lintas Pulau || Cerpen Romantis

Ms. Emy 30 years old, wife of a cross-island truck driver || Romantic short story, Mbak Emy is Mas Ari's rented neighbor who wants to learn computers.

Rabu, 20 September 2023

Pak Dosen Yang Pandai Bikin Penasaran II Cerpen Intonasi Kehidupan

The Smart Lecturer Makes You Curious II Short Story Intonation of Life, the lecturer who determines whether a student passes or not is able to make a student curious and determined to meet him.

Ketika Bu Hermin 30 Tahun Sudah Sangat Membutuhkannya || Novel Romantis ...

When Mrs. Hermin is 30 years old, she really needs it || The latest romantic novel tells the story of a woman named Mrs. Hermin who is the second wife of the head of RTku.

Jumat, 15 September 2023

Antara Aku Ibu Majikan Dan Sahabat Karibnya || Cerpen Romantis

Between Me, The Employer's Mother And Her Best Friend || Romantic short story, This beautiful story between my employer's mother and her best friend happened when I worked as a private driver at Mrs. Dewi's house.

Rabu, 13 September 2023

Diatas Kapal Laut Bertemu Bu Rani 48 Tahun || Cerpen Romantis intonasi

On a Ship Meeting Mrs. Rani 48 Years || Romantic intonation short story, when Tony is traveling by ship, he meets and gets to know Mrs. Rani, 48 years old.

Didalam Gelapnya Kamar Mandi Kereta Api|| Intonasi Kehidupan

In the Darkness of a Train Bathroom|| Intonation of Life, on Joni's trip to Central Java on the train he met and got to know Mrs. Rodiyah, 45 years old.

Minggu, 10 September 2023

Pengalaman Dengan Mantan Istri Di Depan Suaminya || Cerpen Romantis

Experience With Ex-Wife In Front Of Her Husband || Romantic short story, After divorcing his wife, Hermawan never thought that he would finally be able to meet his wife again and gain new experiences.

Sabtu, 09 September 2023

Mbok Darmi 49 Tahun Pembantu Pembawa Kebahagiaan || Cerpen Romantis

Mbok Darmi 49 Years Old Helper Bringing Happiness || Romantic short story, Mbok Darmi is a servant in Mr Bowo's house whose wife is too busy with her career.

Jumat, 08 September 2023

Mbak Ratna Kakak Iparku Yang Datang Membawa Kejutan || Cerpen Romantis

Ms. Ratna, my sister-in-law who came with a surprise || Romantic short story, Mbak Ratna, 40 years old, is her good sister-in-law, 25 years old. What is the exciting story like? Let's watch it together!

Benarkah Pak Jono 45 Tahun Masih Sehebat Itu || Intonasi Kehidupan

Is it true that Mr Jono, 45 years old, is still that great || Intonation of Life, Miss 23 years old who was curious about Mrs. Winda's story was finally answered by the presence of 45 year old Mr. Jono.

Rabu, 06 September 2023

Mengantar Mbak Minah Ditengah Jalan Kehujanan Akhirnya... || Cerpen Roma...

Taking Mbak Minah in the middle of the road in the rain Finally... || Romantic short story, That day Mbak Minah asked for help from Mbak Minah to take him on a trip and in the middle of the trip it rained heavily.

Selasa, 05 September 2023

Bu Mery Memanggilku Ke Rumah Saat Suami Keluar Kota || Cerpen Romantis

Mrs. Mery Called Me Home When My Husband Was Out of Town || Romantic short story, told by a young man named Ruly who has a strong determination to change his fate and is willing to do anything until he finally meets Mrs. Mery. How exciting is the story? Let's just watch it together!

Bu Norma Istri Pejabat Yang Memerlukan Bantuanku || Cerpen Romantis

Mrs. Norma, the official's wife who needs my help || Romantic short story, The introduction between Dandy and Mrs. Norma started from online media and in the end they both made an appointment to meet in person, what is the exciting story like? Let's see it together!

Senin, 04 September 2023

The former mother-in-law turns out to like the cassava that I brought ||...

The former mother-in-law turns out to like the cassava that I brought || English short stories, is told by a husband named Anis who is separated from his wife, later on he meets his former mother-in-law and finally the story is intertwined between the two of them. What is the full story like? Watch until the end so you don't regret it!

Sepanjang Malam Bersama Mbak Astrid Yang Penuh Semangat || Intonasi Kehi...

All night long with Mbak Astrid who is full of enthusiasm || Intonation of Life, Anton, who had been traveling out of town for a long time, finally decided to return to his hometown and met Ms. Astrid, 31, in her village.

Minggu, 03 September 2023

Apakah Ibu Amel Ikhlas Memberikan Semua Ini || Cerita Intonasi Kehidupan

Does Mrs. Amel Sincerely Give All This || Life Intonation Story, Mrs. Amel met a young man named Andan for the first time when Andan was looking for a ride to one destination. What was the excitement of the story like? Come on, let's watch it until the end so you don't regret it!

Sabtu, 02 September 2023



Mantan Ibu Mertua Ternyata Suka Singkong Yang Aku Bawa || Cerpen Romanti...

My ex-mother-in-law apparently liked the cassava I brought || The Romantic short story of Life, is told by a husband named Anis who is separated from his wife, later on he meets his former mother-in-law and finally a story is intertwined between the two of them. What is the full story like? watch until it's finished so you don't regret it!

Jumat, 01 September 2023

Aku Di Suguhi Pemandangan Indah Mbak Romlah || Cerpen Romantis Kehidupan

I am treated to a beautiful view, Ms. Romlah || This short story, Romantic Life, tells the story of a husband named Denys whose wife works outside the island. What is the story like? Let's watch it together on the @ImajinasiTV channel