Minggu, 31 Desember 2023

Pak...Jangan Pak Marni Gak Mau || Cerpen Romantis 2024

Sir...No, Sir Marni, I don't want || Romantic short story 2024, On the ship Marni is accompanied by Mr. Ibrahim who is increasingly fascinated by her beauty, especially since Mr. Ibrahim has been living alone for quite a long time after his wife died, which of course has been a long time since he felt that fun with a woman. Will Mr. Ibrahim succeed in melting Marni's heart, which will ultimately lead to a very enjoyable event for both of them? Instead of being curious, let's watch until the end, OK!!!

EPS 10 https://youtu.be/cx3zqZmDz64

Sabtu, 30 Desember 2023

Memang Hobinya Marni Sudah Seperti Itu || Cerpen Romantis 2024

Indeed, Marni's hobby is like that || Romantic Short Stories 2024, Do you still remember when Marni received an offer to work outside the city as a maid? Of course, Marni left for the right reason, namely to meet the family's needs and perhaps to reduce her mistakes with her father-in-law, Mr. Amin? What will Pak Amin's life be like after Marni dies? And will Marni outside the city be better or will she meet men who are greater than Pak Amin, Alex and Jarot? Come on, let's see the full story today!

EPS 9 https://youtu.be/aHpGGhHwn_U

Jumat, 29 Desember 2023

Suami Kurang Kasih Jatah Pada Bu Tinuk || Cerpen Romantis 2024

Husband doesn't give Mrs. Tinuk enough rations || Romantic short story, A woman who owns a vegetable stall who turns out to be unhappy with her husband, in the end, thanks to my recklessness, I, who was so fascinated by the beauty of the stall owner's mother, finally managed to make my wishes and dreams come true for a long time. What's the excitement of the story...? Come on, let's look at it together!


Rabu, 27 Desember 2023

Detik Detik Umi Rosidah Mengajak Alif || Cerpen Romantis 2024

Seconds from Umi Rosidah inviting Alif || Romantic Short Story 2024, In the previous story Rosidah was made curious by the prescription given by Mr. Sarjito for the illness she was suffering from, and what was written in the envelope...? Let's watch the story until the end together...!

EPS 22 https://youtu.be/MXmgry2AEGM

Senin, 25 Desember 2023

Sabtu, 23 Desember 2023

Kok Bisa Gitu Ya Rasanya Pak,Tanya Marni || Cerpen Romantis 2024

How can it feel like that, Sir, asked Marni || Romantic short story 2024, As a wife and mother of two daughters, Marni never thought her life's journey would be like that since her father-in-law recklessly asked for delicious things from her. After that, she met Jarot, Alex. Mr. Mukhlis and Kristian, and instead asked her father-in-law again. Who else would Marni do it with again? let's just look at the continuation of today's story!

EPS 8 https://youtu.be/mUFAPIoKHbM

Rabu, 20 Desember 2023

Kok Bisa Enak Banget Rasanya Alif...? || Cerpen Romantis 2024

How can Alif taste so good...? || Romantic short story 2024, I don't know what's going on in Alif's mind? He never stops wanting to do it with the women around him, from wanting his mother, then Mrs. Lilik, but after getting it from Mrs. Lilik, Alif wants to be with her daughter. Mrs. Lilik, namely Sofia….hem….will it come true….? Let's see the full story!

EPS 20 https://youtu.be/8PshXKzpRDQ

Selasa, 19 Desember 2023

Karma Yang Aku Dapat Dari Istri || Cerpen Romantis 2024

Karma That I Got From My Wife || Romantic short story 2024, In this journey of life, sometimes things don't go according to plan, as in the previous story where Mbak Neni, my neighbor, was obsessed with three of me and my wife, but it turned out to be a failure, because her husband, who was a sailor, got a promotion and got an official residence outside the city, and of course Ms. Neni was taken to move to her new house, my hope was gone... but it turns out that karma does exist... just like what I experienced in my life... and this is my next story...!

EPS 5 https://youtu.be/RYoMMyIY64Y

Senin, 18 Desember 2023

Bapak Mertua Salamah Datang Disaat Yang Tepat || Cerpen Romantis 2024

Salamah's Father-in-Law Came at the Right Time || Romantic short story 2024, Finally the moment arrived when Salamah's husband came home from his service outside the city. Salamah tried to act as naturally as possible in front of her husband, to be honest, she felt very grateful to her husband for what she had experienced with the mysterious man. How will this story continue? ….? Here's the full story!

EPS 3 https://youtu.be/3X2x6U0bBFo

Kita Keluar Sekarang Pak || Cerpen Romantis 2024

We're leaving now sir || Romantic short story 2024, In the previous story, Marni, who was partying at Mr. Mukhlis's house, didn't finish with Kritian because she quickly regained consciousness, while Mr. Amin, Marni's father-in-law, got a message on his cellphone from an unknown number, but said that the sender was Marni asked him to come home in the evening, Marni's story is getting even more exciting... so let's just listen to it together ok... let's continue!

EPS 7 https://youtu.be/v4KZPMIIJ3E

Minggu, 17 Desember 2023

Apa Yang Harus Dilakukan Alif Sekarang Bu ? || Cerpen Romantis 2024

What should Alif do now ma'am? || Romantic short story 2024, In the previous story, Mrs. Lilik and Alif, who that morning were about to repeat the fun event that they both had worked on all night, suddenly heard a bell ring in the house. Of course, Mrs. Lilik panicked, if her husband came. How….? Who came that morning...? Let's just listen to the story...! What was the excitement like between Alif and Mrs. Lilik? Let's just look at it together...!


Sabtu, 16 Desember 2023

Mbak Neni Minta Bertiga Bersama Istriku || Cerpen Romantis 2023

Ms. Neni asks for a threesome with my wife || Romantic Short Stories 2023, If basically a man likes delicious things from other than his wife plus someone who serves him, then it will definitely happen. Like the story between Mbak Neni and Heri. Heri, whose wife is on assignment out of town and gets a good response Of course, her neighbor, Mbak Neni, made the most of this opportunity. Like that night, Mbak Neni, with great desire, asked to open the back door of Heri's house.
I'm curious, right? So let's continue watching my story... okay!!!? And this is my exciting story!!!

EPS 4 https://youtu.be/5bm9I4zraMo

Marni Minta Lagi Dan Lagi || Cerpen Romantis 2023

Marni asks again and again || Romantic Short Stories 2023, How are my friends today...? I hope everyone is in good health and not lacking anything... amen YRA...! Do you still remember the previous story that there was a party at Mr. Muhklis's house and on that occasion he wanted Marni to give it to his new employee, Kristian? And this is the continuation…..!!!!And this is the next story……!!!

EPS 6 https://youtu.be/ve8KeKNHAlQ

Jumat, 15 Desember 2023

Ayolah Bang...Tunggu Apalagi Ucap Salamah || Cerpen Romantis 2023

Come on bro...What are you waiting for? Say Salamah || Romantic short story 2023, In the previous story, Salamah had a husband who, after 4 years of marriage, never wanted to provide her with spiritual support, one day an uninvited guest came who at first asked forcibly, in the end Salamah ended up having fun, you still remember that... ?If you forgot, just read part 1 again, there's a link in the description column….ok, let's continue the exciting story! What's the full story like…..!??? let's follow the flow from start to finish...!!!

EPS 2 https://youtu.be/JtMx6pp3jw8

Detik Detik Sebelum Aku Dapet Apem Dari Tetangga Kost Ku II Cerpen Roman...

Detik Detik Sebelum Aku Dapet Apem Dari Tetangga Kost Ku II Cerpen Romantis 2023,Mbak Safira adalah tetangga kost ku yang suaminya itu sedang mendapatkan tugas keluar kota dan aku mendapatkan kesempatan itu darinya,seperti apakah cerita selengkapnya ?mari kita simak sama-sama saja !    • Detik Detik Sebelum Aku Dapet Apem Da...  

Kamis, 14 Desember 2023

Sang Penakluk Berhasil Membuat Bu Lilik Senang || Cerpen Romantis 2023

The Conqueror Successfully Made Mrs. Lilik Happy || Romantic short story 2023, That night on the same night, namely in the previous episode where Mbak Raudah was doing it with Mr. Tanto et al in a luxury villa, that night Alif was also doing it with Mrs. Lilik who was much older than him. Indeed, Alif is a young man who is more interested with older women, including his own mother, Mrs. Rosidah. How exciting are the activities between Alif and Mrs. Lilik? Let's just look at it together...!


Rabu, 13 Desember 2023

Lewat Belakang Saja Mas Biar Lebih Cepat || Cerpen Romantis 2023

Just go through the back, bro, so it's faster || Romantic Short Stories 2023, Let's continue the excitement of my story with Ms. Neni. Come on...!? Do you still remember the previous story where Mbak Neni and I stopped at a restaurant...? I almost forgot to tell you about a more exciting incident that happened to Mbak Neni, are you curious? So let's continue reading my story... okay!!!? And this is my exciting story!!!

EPS 3 https://youtu.be/_voNBEEOUOk

Kenapa Dengan Mudahnya Aku Memberikannya Pada Bos Suamiku? || Cerpen Rom...

Why Did I Easily Give It to My Husband's Boss? || Romantic Short Stories 2023, Do you still remember the previous story? Where on that day it was Mr. Muhklis who picked me up to take me to his house because there was a thanksgiving event, but in the end, in the middle of the road in his car, Mr. Muhklis managed to get something delicious from me...? And here's the rest of the story...!!!

EPS 5 https://youtu.be/-vWvPqPjvqI

Selasa, 12 Desember 2023

Ketika Pemilik Villa Meminta Umi Datang,Akhirnya....? || Cerpen Romantis...

When the Villa Owner Asked Umi to Come, Finally...? || Romantic short story 2023, Two days after Rosidah chatted with Raudah, that afternoon Raudah returned permission for two days and two nights. This time with permission he was forced to lie to Rosidah, with permission he would go home first to Purwanti's house. In fact, the real reason was that he had made an appointment to meet Mr. Tanto, a large company owner in city S. Coincidentally, he was having an event in city Y at that time, so he also asked Raudah to accompany him. Mr. Tanto knew Raudah from Twitter. He offered to give Raudah a lot of money, but the condition was that Raudah had to be able to keep up with him and his three friends for a day and a night. At first Raudah thought about it a little, she had never been with many men at once, but after seeing several videos like What will he do with Pak Tanto? Raudah then decided to accept the offer.


Senin, 11 Desember 2023

Ketika Si Istri Pelaut Membutuhkannya || Cerpen Romantis 2023

When the Sailor's Wife Needs Her || Romantic Short Stories 2023, Do you still remember the previous story? Namely, my neighbor, Ms. Neni, whose husband hasn't come home for a long time, accidentally heard the sound of my wife enjoying herself while doing it with me. So in the end, Ms. Neni said that she also wanted to be invited so that she could sound like my wife, of course I was OK. OK, let's continue with the even more exciting story...!!!

EPS 2 https://youtu.be/quFwqGpUlCY

Minggu, 10 Desember 2023

Salamah Maen Sama Tamu Tak Diundang || Cerpen Romantis 2023

Salamah Playing with Uninvited Guests || Romantic short story 2023, Salamah never thought that in the end she would actually get happiness from a man she didn't know. This started with her husband, who, after their 4th year of marriage, never provided any spiritual support for her. What is the full story like... ..!??? let's follow the flow from start to finish...!!!

EPS 1 https://youtu.be/gsiNhfIeaPg

Sabtu, 09 Desember 2023

Bude Baru Kali Ini Bisa Keluar Mas II Cerpen Romantis 2023

This is the first time Bude can come out Mas II Romantic Short Stories 2023, it's difficult to live life in a big city, fortunately there is Bude Sumiati.


Detik Detik Sebelum Pak Muhklis Dapat Apem Dari Marni || Cerpen Romantis...

Seconds Before Mr. Muhklis Gets Apem From Marni || Romantic Short Stories 2023, Do you still remember the previous story where Marni's father-in-law, who came to her house again, succeeded in melting Marni's heart, his daughter-in-law? Here's the sequel...! Come on, let's look at it together...!!!

EPS 4 https://youtu.be/bRoYr2tw6OI

Apakah Bapak Tidak Kangen Apem Marni? || Cerpen Romantis 2023

Don't you miss Apem Marni? || Romantic short story 2023, Marni that night, who was enjoying what Jarot and Alek had given her, was shocked by a sudden sound... BRAAAKKK...!!! The sengon wooden plank door was wide open after someone broke it. Who was that person who had the courage to do that...? Let's see the full story!!!

EPS 3 https://youtu.be/tgRy_VkZmtI

Jumat, 08 Desember 2023

Umi...Bolehkah Alif...!? || Cerpen Romantis 2023

Umi...Can Alif...!? || Romantic short story 2023, That night Rosidah, who was increasingly obsessed with Alif, finally decided to mix something in the hot tea she made for her husband and Alif with the aim of making the two people she loved fall asleep soundly and she could do what she wanted freely. Even though Alif didn't drank that tea, so he didn't sleep but just pretended to sleep, so he could feel the pleasure when Rosidah did it. This is the full story...!!


Kamis, 07 Desember 2023

Baru Kali Ini Mbak Mengalaminya Mas || Cerpen Romantis 2023

This is the first time you've experienced it, bro || Romantic short story 2023, this beautiful story that I experienced with Ms. Neni, the wife of a sailor whose husband rarely comes home. As a woman who has quite high desires, of course Ms. Neni needs a man who can replace her husband's night duties. , and finally I was the one who got that golden opportunity. Are you curious about the story? Come on, let's watch it together!!!


Rabu, 06 Desember 2023

Kalo Masih Bisa Ayo Pak || Cerpen Romantis 2023

If you can, come on, sir || Romantic Short Stories 2023, Do you still remember the previous story, where my father-in-law and I started a wrong journey or experience? Now I will continue my story which is even more exciting of course, let's watch it together until it's finished...!!!!

EPS 2 https://youtu.be/hScu_QwIFEU

Jangan Pak.....Aku Ini Menantu Bapak || Cerpen Romantis 2023

Don't sir.....I am your son-in-law || Romantic Short Stories 2023, Mr. Amin…..!!! He is my father-in-law who has succeeded in making me, who at first refused, end up asking him again and again...!? Because my father-in-law apparently has more experience than my husband. What is my complete story like...? Let's follow the flow until it's finished...!!!


Selasa, 05 Desember 2023

Suka Suka Ibu Saja Mau Berapa Kali Juga Boleh || Cerpen Romantis

If you like it, you can do it as many times as you want || Romantic short story, This story began when my wife and I planned a holiday to the Island of the Gods, Bali and had already booked tickets and also booked a hotel, but on the day of the event my wife suddenly got an assignment out of town from her office and she couldn't refuse it. Because it was already It's all paid off. Of course it would be a shame if it had to be canceled just like that? Finally my wife suggested that my mother-in-law replace her on holiday. At first I pretended to reject my wife's proposal. Because my mother-in-law, let's call her Riris, is 45 years old and has lived for a long time without a husband. Plus, my mother-in-law is still very attractive and charming, what will happen if I live in the same room with her? Are you curious...? Come on, just follow my story...!!!


Senin, 04 Desember 2023

Mau Tidak Mau Umi Rosidah Akhirnya...? 💞Cerpen Romantis

Like it or not, Umi Rosidah finally...? 💞Romantic short story, Do you still remember the previous story, where Alif received training from Umi Rosidah and in the end they both reached the peak? That was a good start for Alif, because he was just one step away from getting the full Umi Rosidah, Moreover, soon Alif's father will be going abroad for a long time, surely Mum Rosidah and Alif will have that golden opportunity... instead of being curious, let's see the next story!!!


Minggu, 03 Desember 2023

Yank...Sayang...Kunci Dulu Pintunya 💞 Cerpen Romantis intonasi

Yank...Honey...Lock the door first 💞 Romantic intonation short story, Let me introduce myself first, my name is Susi, now I am 26 years old. I got married when I was 21 years old. I am a lecturer at a faculty. A little about me, my stature is small, my height is 156 cm, weight 51 kg. At the faculty where I teach there is a student who likes me, he really likes to pay more attention to me, starting from praising me with nice things to me. The longer it goes on I also have other feelings, if he is not there to greet me, praise me and so on, then I feel incomplete in my work day, like something is missing, like someone who is dating, that's how I feel. Whenever he goes on holiday with his family he will definitely buy something for me as a souvenir, I never refuse his gifts. Let's call the student his name is Samsul.


Sabtu, 02 Desember 2023

Selalu Lebih Menyenangkan Dengan Ibu Mertua 💞 Intonasi Kehidupan

It's always more fun with your mother-in-law 💞 Intonation of Life, Parjo, who has long been amazed by her mother-in-law, can finally prove that being with her mother-in-law is always more fun.


Jumat, 01 Desember 2023

Mimpi Indah Alif Akhirnya Menjadi Kenyataan Dengan Umi Rosidah 💞Cerpen R...

Alif's Beautiful Dream Finally Comes True With Umi Rosidah 💞 Romantic Short Story, In the previous story, Alif, who had not been able to make his dreams come true with his mother, namely Rosidah, meanwhile that night her wishes had to be fulfilled, finally Alif went to Raudah's room, who of course also always missed him. Alif provided nutrition. So that night they were rowing in the sea of ​​love between the two of them. Likewise, Lia and Ahmad Soleh were having fun in Lia's room that night, even though they were lying to Rosidah. What was Alif's love journey like in the dormitory? that princess….!? let's just read the full story….!!!
