Selasa, 12 Desember 2023

Ketika Pemilik Villa Meminta Umi Datang,Akhirnya....? || Cerpen Romantis...

When the Villa Owner Asked Umi to Come, Finally...? || Romantic short story 2023, Two days after Rosidah chatted with Raudah, that afternoon Raudah returned permission for two days and two nights. This time with permission he was forced to lie to Rosidah, with permission he would go home first to Purwanti's house. In fact, the real reason was that he had made an appointment to meet Mr. Tanto, a large company owner in city S. Coincidentally, he was having an event in city Y at that time, so he also asked Raudah to accompany him. Mr. Tanto knew Raudah from Twitter. He offered to give Raudah a lot of money, but the condition was that Raudah had to be able to keep up with him and his three friends for a day and a night. At first Raudah thought about it a little, she had never been with many men at once, but after seeing several videos like What will he do with Pak Tanto? Raudah then decided to accept the offer.

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