Jumat, 03 November 2023

Umi Belum Pernah Sampai Begini Alif || Cerpen Romantis

Umi has never been like this Alif || Romantic short story, "Are you awake, my dear ustazah?" a voice greeted him from beside him. Surprised when he heard the voice, ustazah Raudah quickly raised his head slightly and turned his head with difficulty. Alif…….!!!! he said. But what made Ustazah Raudah even more surprised was that the teenager was sitting casually in the chair next to his bed without a cover, in his hand was a book. “Alif! What is this?" Ustazah Raudah's voice immediately rose. "Psst…. Psst…..calm down” Alif said casually as he got up.


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